Published 2021-08-27
- center and periphery,
- environmental debt,
- raw materials,
- environmental services,
- Paris Agreement
- «carbon tax»,
- unequal exchange ...More
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Glazyrina И. Problems of Environmentally Unequal Exchange in the 21St Century. ECO [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 27 [cited 2024 Nov. 28];51(9):94-124. Available from:
The article presents an overview of Russian and foreign publications devoted to the theory of environmentally unequal exchange. Most foreign studies confirm the main hypothesis: international trade is structurally organized in such a way that allows for the «net exchange» of resources and ecosystem services from developing (peripheral) countries to the main industrialized countries «in favor» of the latter. The main methodological approaches to the development of tools for the quantitative assessment of environmentally unequal exchange are considered. The issues that have come to the fore in connection with the updating of the climate agenda and the signing of the Paris Climate Agreement are being discussed. The article presents Russian works on topics close to the theory of environmentally unequal exchange, including within the framework of the concept of environmental debt. The narrative of many of them testifies to the manifestation of the factor of environmentally unequal exchange. According to the author, the quantitative estimates for Russian regions can make a significant contribution to ensuring the sustainable development of territories, since in addition to strengthening environmental institutions, significant changes in tax and budget policy are needed in Russia.References
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