Тема номера: "Зеленое развитие" - слова и дела
Published 2020-09-03
- “polluter pays” principle,
- green growth,
- decoupling,
- eco-intensity,
- environmental institutions
How to Cite
Glazyrina И. A Thorny Path to Green Economy. ECO [Internet]. 2020 Sep. 3 [cited 2025 Feb. 19];50(9):8-23. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/4104
The paper examines an extent to which the existing institutions of environmental management in Russia contribute to solving the problems of transition to a “green” economy. It is shown that in a situation where payments are calculated in proportion to the volume of production, there are incentives to reduce eco-intensity, which is a positive factor. However, analysis and calculations show that this is not enough for “green” economic growth. It is advisable to set a threshold level of eco-intensity. In case of exceeding this level payments for negative impact significantly increase. One way to create incentives for green growth is to regularly lower this “regulatory threshold”. It is necessary that this decline occurs at a fairly high rate – the higher the rate of economic growth. Such high rates of environmental modernization require new institutional regulatory tools. A “road map” model for implementation of this mechanism is presented.References
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