Interaction between Government and Business in Long-Term Projects of Technological Infrastructure Development
Published 2021-03-30
- Academpark,
- business,
- government,
- public-private partnership,
- quasi-concession
- technopark infrastructure ...More
How to Cite
Nefedkin В. Interaction between Government and Business in Long-Term Projects of Technological Infrastructure Development. ECO [Internet]. 2021 Mar. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];51(4):90-109. Available from:
The paper examines the problems of organizing interaction between government and business in the process of creating the infrastructure of a technopark in Russia on the example of a project to create a Center for Technological Support within the instrument cluster of the Novosibirsk Academpark. This project combines a specific business model for delivery of technological services (job shop) and a method of organizing interaction between private and public partners, which the author defines as a quasi-concession based on various formal and informal contracts. The empirical basis of the study is the data of an expert survey of government officials, managers and specialists of state enterprises and private companies. The results of the project confirm the effectiveness of using various forms of interaction between business and government in those areas and conditions for which there are no standard public-private partnership tools provided by the laws of the Russian Federation.References
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