Oil and Gas Field Service: from Global Context to Local Knowledge and Effects V.A. Kryukov, A.N. Tokarev 8-28 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (Русский) (RUB 100)
Морской нефтегазовый сервис: мировые тенденции и российские задачи A.K. Krivorotov 29-46 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (Русский) (RUB 100)
Oil and Gas Cluster as a Driver of Development in the Tyumen Region A.A. Vasiliev 47-60 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (Русский) (RUB 100)
The Problems of “ Small-scale Chemistry” as an Offshoot of Oilfield Service Problems V.V. Shmat 67-90 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (Русский) (RUB 100)
Рынок промышленной робототехники в России под санкциями: в поиске драйверов спроса и предложения A.A. Fedyunina, N.A. Gorodnyi, Yu.V. Simachev 91-107 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (Русский) (RUB 100)
The International Experience of Stimulating Robotization: Features and Factors of Effectiveness M.G. Kuzyk, R.Yu. Neumyvakin 109-130 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (Русский) (RUB 100)
Price Crisis in the Egg Market: Facts and Consequences N.I. Shagaida, D.S. Ternovskiy 131-145 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (Русский) (RUB 100)
Shortage of Workers in Russia’s Agriculture:Is there Potential to Recover? A.A. Potapova 146-168 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (Русский) (RUB 100)
On Bottled Water Consumption in Russia: Environmental and Economic Aspects A.D. Kalach 169-186 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (Русский) (RUB 100)
Solid Waste Management in Russia: Are We on the Right Track?.. N.S. Rogachev 187-200 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (Русский) (RUB 100)
Модернизация региональных институтов развития. Экосистемный подход А.V. Rajkhlina, E.G. Patrusheva 201-215 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (Русский) (RUB 100)
Factors of Balanced Nutrition of Regional Population (the Jewish Autonomous Region Case Study) T.M. Komarova, E.V. Stelmakh, С.А. Соловченков 216-235 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (Русский) (RUB 100)
From Gasification of the Russian Trans-Urals and Arctic Zone to Energy Consolidation of Eurasia (Part 1) V.V. Voroshilov, A.A. Konoplyanik 236-260 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (Русский) (RUB 100)