Scientific Personnel of Russia: Trends, Problems, Prospects E. E. Emelyanova, V.V. Lapochkina 31-56 PDF (Русский)
University Startup Studios as a New Model of Technology Transfer V. G. Zinov, Н.Г. Куракова 57-80 PDF (Русский)
Higher Education: An Insurmountable Institutional Gap with the Labor Market S. A. Barkov, V. I. Zubkov 8-30 PDF (Русский)
Demographic Dynamics of the Largest Urban Agglomerations in Russia К.А. Chernyshev, K.A. 81-93 PDF (Русский)
Shaping the Price Dynamics in Russia Against the Backdrop of Accelerating Global Inflation А.А. Shirov, А.К. Moiseev, M.S. Gusev 94-112 PDF (Русский)
Mobilization of Capacity Reserves in Russian Industry: an Alternative or the Illusion of Boosting the Investment Process? A.V. Alekseev 113-137 PDF (Русский)
Russian Retail Ecosystems: Principal Participants and Indicators of Development A.B. Georgievsky 138-155 PDF (Русский)
Are there Grounds for Optimism? (to a Discussion between Two Economists) I.V. Likhomanov 156-167 PDF (Русский)
KLIMAT: what Awaits the Energy Sector and the Whole Economy of Russia by the Middle of the 21st Century (аbout the New Book by T. Gustafson. Part 2) S.V. Bukharov, P.N. Teslya 168-192 PDF (Русский)