Vol. 53 No. 10 (2023)

Reputation Factor in Public Procurement from the Viewpoint of Customers and Suppliers

M.K. Emelianova
Institute for Industrial and Market Studies; National Research University Higher School of Economics
A.A. Yakovlev
Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University, MA, USA

Published 2023-09-29


  • public procurement; reputation; procurement efficiency; public buyers; suppliers; trust; competitive environment

How to Cite

Emelianova М, Yakovlev А. Reputation Factor in Public Procurement from the Viewpoint of Customers and Suppliers. ECO [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 29 [cited 2024 Jun. 30];53(10):137-53. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/4671


The paper reveals the role of reputation in the Russian public procurement system. Based on a survey of public customers and suppliers, it is shown that experienced market participants attach importance to both the reputation of contractors and their own reputation. Suppliers and customers agree on the most important factors of suppliers’ reputation, but their opinions differ when interpreting customers’ reputation. In the study we confirm on Russian data the conclusions of foreign authors about the contribution of suppliers’ reputation in improving procurement efficiency. It also shows the role of reputation of government customers in this, which has been little studied in the literature. We explain the results obtained in the context of customers’ solution of the problem of simultaneous assurance of both procurement quality and competition.


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