Published 2020-10-02
- low-carbon paradigm,
- electric cars,
- automobiles,
- forecast,
- oil demand
- USA,
- China,
- EU ...More
How to Cite
Sinicyn М. The Impact of Promoting Electric Cars on Oil Consumption. ECO [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 2 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];50(10):65-87. Available from:
Electric cars will become comparable with traditional cars around 2025–2030, and will quickly begin to supplant the latter in developed and largest developing countries. The paper assesses the prospects for promoting electric vehicles in the USA, China, Europe and the world as well as the impact of this process on oil consumption. It is shown that by 2040 electric vehicles can make up 19% of the global passenger car stock and displace 4,7 mbd, mainly in the key export markets for Russian oil companies – Europe and China.References
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