Vol. 49 No. 11 (2019)

Without Guesswork on Retirement

Yu. Voronov
Institute of Еconomics and Industrial Engineering, SB RAS, Novosibirsk

Published 2019-10-31


  • pension fund,
  • state treasury,
  • lifetime employment,
  • Japanese experience,
  • European experience,
  • education system,
  • government corporations,
  • railways,
  • the hiring of new employees,
  • benefits at retirement
  • ...More

How to Cite

Voronov Ю. Without Guesswork on Retirement. ECO [Internet]. 2019 Oct. 31 [cited 2024 Oct. 2];49(11):116-31. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/3918


The article discusses the prospects of using foreign experience of lifelong employment in Russia. Its Japanese and European variants are analyzed for example. It is noted that life-long employment exists in a certain favorable environment, involving, in particular, a large retirement benefit, accounting for the appointment of wages of the employee’s dependants, the adoption of all new employees on the same wage. In view of the changes that have taken place since the author’s first publication on the subject (see ECO No. 3/2011), he concludes that the introduction of full-time life-long employment in Russia is not currently appropriate, but some elements seem to be appropriate. In particular, it is possible and even desirable to introduce lifelong recruitment for certain categories of teachers of Russian universities.Among other things, this can reduce social tensions over raising the retirement age, as a part of employees and companies will be attracted to a system of lifelong employment. According to the author, it is necessary to change the role of the Pension Fund of Russia, excluding from its competence the appointment, calculation and payment of pensions to civil servants.


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