Vol. 48 No. 9 (2018)

Russian System of Public Procurement: the Law is Changing, the Issues remain

A. Yakovlev
Institute for Industrial and Market Studies, National Research University Higher School of Economics
A. Tkachenko
Department of Applied Economics, National Research University Higher School of Economics
O. Balaeva
School of Business Administration, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Yu Rodionova
Institute for Industrial and Market Studies, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Published 2018-10-15


  • Public procurement,
  • problems of public procurement regulation,
  • supplier,
  • customer

How to Cite

Yakovlev А, Tkachenko А, Balaeva О, Rodionova Ю. Russian System of Public Procurement: the Law is Changing, the Issues remain. ECO [Internet]. 2018 Oct. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 2];48(9):17-38. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/1659


This article examines the problems of the Russian public procurement system based on the analysis of assessments from a mass survey of both customers and suppliers. It is shown that despite a significant change in legislation, most of the problems that were noted by researchers and practitioners 7–8 years ago remain including price dumping, regulatory collisions and low competition in public bids. The paper analyses the differences in assessments of these problems with respect to the respondents’ experience and other factors. We also claim that one of the reasons for the lack of positive developments in the perception of procurement regulation is that the changes in the legislation were based on the interests of government agencies and did not take into account the needs and opinions of immediate participants of procurement process. On this basis we formulate proposals for conducting regular monitoring of opinions and assessments of ordinary customers and suppliers.


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