Nominal Law in Soviet Russia: 1924 Constitution and 1922 Civil Code V. I. Klistorin 8-23 PDF (Русский)
The Labor Code of 1922 [KZoT]: Rise and Deformations of Early Soviet Labor Law S.A. Krasilnikov 24-42 PDF (Русский)
The RSFSR Land Code of 1922 in the Context of Solving the Agrarian Issue in Russia V.A. Il’inykh 43-60
The Criminal Code as a Tool for Regulating the Economic Activities of the Peasants of Siberia (1920s – 1930s) V. I. Isaev 61-77 PDF (Русский)
Investments for Sustainable and Inclusive Development of the Regions of Asian Russia: Problems and Prospects N.A. Kravchenko, S.D. Ageeva, A.I. Ivanova 78-98 PDF (Русский)
How We See the Potential of Innovative Development: Problems of Appraising Early Stage Projects E.A. Obukhova, A.T. Yusupova 99-117 PDF (Русский)
Venture Capital Financing of Import Substitution Projects in Russia: Problems and Prospects A.O. Baranov, E.I. Muzyko, V.N. Pavlov 118-132 PDF (Русский)
Machine and Tractor Stations of West Siberian Region in the 1930s. V.B. Laperdin 133-149 PDF (Русский)
The Birth of Oil Siberia. Oil Exploration vs. Coal Refining at the Turn of 1920s-1930s (Part 1) Yu.V. Evdoshenko 150-176 PDF (Русский)
Economic Science against Crises. About the 2022 Nobel Prize in Economics Yu.P. Voronov 177-192 PDF (Русский)