Published 2023-10-27
- trust; social capital; values; modernization; quality of public administration
How to Cite
Makarov А, Ponomarev Ю. Crisis of Trust: Problems of Measurement, Public Values and Other Factors. ECO [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 27 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];53(11):148-72. Available from:
According to the current results of the Edelman Trust Barometer, many countries of the world, including Russia, are experiencing a certain crisis of trust, which becomes a serious obstacle to their socio-economic development. The paper considers the issues of ambiguous dynamics of the level of trust, analyzes the trends and possible interrelations of this level with various characteristics of the countries’ development, as well as the established values (according to the methodologies of Hofstede, Inglehart). Based on the comparison of the results of the Trust Barometer and Russian sociological studies, the key problems in the sphere of taking into account the role of trust are shown, including the problem of distinguishing between “justified” and “naive” trust. In Russia, the problem of low trust is partly related to the dynamics of modernization values, which requires additional efforts to develop civil society.References
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