Тема номера: Россия в энергопотоке "Большой Азии"
Published 2021-08-27
- crude oil,
- oil export,
- Asia Pacific region,
- decarbonization,
- carbon offsets
How to Cite
Kopytin И. Prospects of Russian Oil Companies in the Asian Pacific Region Under Decarbonization. ECO [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 27 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];51(9):38-52. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/4309
The paper provides a detailed analysis of crude oil and oil products export from Russia to countries of the Asian Pacific Region (APR) for the period 2016–2020. The analysis of foreign trade flows demonstrates the ongoing reorientation of Russian crude oil export from the European direction towards the APR markets, where the potential for further increase of supply exists. To widen their export niches, Russian oil companies need to overcome an excessive concentration of oil export on the markets of limited number of APR countries. One possible way for achieving this goal could be a participation in oil refining projects on the territory of oil importing countries. The authors study a phenomenon of emerging world trade in «ecologically clean oil» using carbon offsets, which is an important emerging factor in the global competition for export markets.References
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