Тема номера: Пространство локализации
Pharmaceutical Production in Russia during the Pandemic: Chronic Problems, New Challenges
Published 2021-08-02
- pharmaceutical production,
- pharmaceutical market,
- COVID-19 pandemic,
- crisis,
- anticrisis support
- public regulation ...More
How to Cite
Dolgopyatova Т, Fedyunina А, Nazarova А. Pharmaceutical Production in Russia during the Pandemic: Chronic Problems, New Challenges. ECO [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 2 [cited 2024 Dec. 18];51(8):38-63. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/4294
Using a series of in-depth interviews with representatives of the industry and national and international statistical data, the authors examine the role of pharmaceutical production in the Russian economy before and during the crisis, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on companies and markets, the specifics of regulation, and business development prospects.The main conclusion is that the crisis has not brought significant changes in the state of the industry, it continues to be under pressure from the state, the policy of import substitution, preferential regulation of state procurement of drugs, restrictions on the price level for drugs. Competition between Russian companies and foreign firms that have localized production in our country is getting tougher.References
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