Published 2024-08-12
- life cycle contracts; public procurement; state socio-economic policy; normative and legal regulation
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Kudryavtseva Т, Shvediani А, Kravchenko В. Life Cycle Contracts as a Public Policy Tool. ECO [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 12 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];54(4):97-109. Available from:
Successful implementation of the long-term state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of infrastructure projects, production of high-tech equipment requires a detailed understanding of the practice of application and peculiarities of normative-legal regulation of life cycle contracts for the development of methodological support for their implementation and conclusion. The paper analyzes the normative-legal regulation of such contracts in Russia, studies the statistics on them for 2014-2022, identifies the advantages and limitations. Recommendations for the development of this tool are formulated on the basis of the obtained data, which will make it possible to increase its efficiency. In particular, it is recommended to expand the permissible principles of pricing of life cycle contracts, as well as options for confirming the contractor’s qualifications for project companies.References
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