Cover story: Oilfield Service Space
The Problems of “ Small-scale Chemistry” as an Offshoot of Oilfield Service Problems
Published 2024-04-08
- medium- and low-tonnage chemistry; “small-scale chemistry”; chemical industry; oilfield services; import substitution; technological development; state support; planning
How to Cite
Shmat В. The Problems of “ Small-scale Chemistry” as an Offshoot of Oilfield Service Problems. ECO [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 8 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];54(2):67-90. Available from:
The paper analyzes the key problems of development of domestic medium- and low-tonnage chemistry, similar to the problems of the service segment in the oil and gas sector. Both of them are technologically the most complex segments of the respective industry systems and most lagging behind in their development from the world level. At the same time, the current lag is not due to complexity as such, but to a large extent due to artificially induced degradation during the transformational economic crisis of the 1990s and the subsequent recovery (or: economic growth) development with a pronounced emphasis on the import of technological solutions and components. Therefore, in the short-term aspect of “small-scale chemistry” development it is necessary to accelerate import substitution (primarily to resist external sanctions pressure), and in the strategic long-term – to create a set of scientific, technological, economic and institutional prerequisites that ensure sustainable growth and competitiveness of domestic producers. Both tasks require qualified and effective state support with an emphasis on planning and coordination tools.References
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