Vol. 53 No. 7 (2023)
Cover story: Siberia – Overcoming the Curse of Distances

Evolution of Strategic Planning of Macro-Regions of the Russian Federation

V. I. Klistorin
Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, SB RAS, Novosibirsk

Published 2023-06-28


  • long-term planning; strategies for spatial development; goals and tools in strategic planning; macro-regions; federal districts of the Russian Federation; planning methodology; quality of planning; project approach

How to Cite

Klistorin В. Evolution of Strategic Planning of Macro-Regions of the Russian Federation. ECO [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];53(7):21-38. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/4627


Strategies of federal districts of the Russian Federation, adopted more than 10 years ago, are currently being updated. The documents are in need of adjustment, since major geopolitical and geoeconomic changes have occurred in recent years, and a number of new strategic documents of the federal level have been approved. A comparative analysis of SFD strategies approved in 2010 and 2023 shows that in terms of formulating the goal and objectives, describing the problem situation, challenges and threats, the last version of the document is inferior to the previous one. At the same time, the analysis of the results of implementation of the SFD2010 strategy has not revealed any noticeable improvements in the socio-economic development of the district. When comparing the strategy of SFD with similar documents on the North-Western and North Caucasian districts, it was found that not only the structure of the documents, but also the list of problems, challenges and threats, the wording of the goal and objectives are very close, although the economic and geographical and socio-economic situation of the districts are very different. The author concludes that all is not well with the methodological, scientific-analytical and informational base of strategic planning in our country. Moreover, the quality of strategic planning is declining as it becomes more and more regulated. The consequence is the reduction of the role of strategic planning in decision making.


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