Vol. 52 No. 12 (2022)
Cover story: A Palette of Approaches Leading to Success

Reducing CO2 Emissions in Cities: Electric Cars or Public Transport

S.R. Milyakin
Institute of Economic Forecasting of the RAS, Moscow

Published 2022-11-24


  • CO2 emissions; electric vehicles; cars; transport; public transport; scenarios; forecasting

How to Cite

Milyakin С. Reducing CO2 Emissions in Cities: Electric Cars or Public Transport. ECO [Internet]. 2022 Nov. 24 [cited 2024 Oct. 2];52(12):32-51. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/4541


The paper examines the emission of CO2 in urban passenger transport. Two alternatives are considered – electrification of private cars and increased use of public transport. To compare them, a model for calculating CO2 emissions from urban passenger transport is used. Calculations were made for seven scenarios differing in the degree of electrification and the degree of substitution of the use of cars by public transport. The example of Moscow shows that electrification of private cars can be the main direction to reduce CO2 emissions, while the substitution of public transport can help to mitigate other negative effects of motorization.


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