Vol. 52 No. 1 (2022)
Cover story: Cognition and Development

Movement towards Autarky in Russian Science through the Prism of International Cooperation

I.G. Dezhina
Division on Analysis of Science &Technology Development, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
S.V. Egerev
Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Published 2021-12-29


  • autarchy; science; international cooperation; circulation of workforce; state governance; funding

How to Cite

Dezhina И, Egerev С. Movement towards Autarky in Russian Science through the Prism of International Cooperation. ECO [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 29 [cited 2024 Oct. 15];52(1):35-53. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/4364


The events of recent years point to the developing autarkic tendencies in the world of science and technology. On the basis of several cases, the paper examines how these processes take place in Russian science. The parameters of the circulation of researchers, international scientific cooperation and its regulation, government-initiated changes in grant funding of research and approaches to the construction of “megascience” class installations are studied. The circulation of personnel in science is still weak, with the inflow coming mainly from the CIS, and the outflow to countries with developed science. In international cooperation there is some decrease in activity, including the withdrawal of foreign scientific foundations from Russia and the gradual monopolization of institutions of state competitive financing. The case of construction of megascience facilities demonstrates that reliance on self-sufficiency is also assumed in the areas which traditionally represent the field of open international cooperation.


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