Specifics of the System Approach to the Contents of ‘the Fourth Industrial Revolution’ (а Review of K. Schwab’s Book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”)
Published 2020-12-02
- Fourth industrial revolution,
- digital technologies,
- components of revolution,
- influence on economy and society,
- K. Shvab
- a review ...More
How to Cite
Scherbakova Л. Specifics of the System Approach to the Contents of ‘the Fourth Industrial Revolution’ (а Review of K. Schwab’s Book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”). ECO [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 2 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];50(12):174-85. Available from:
The paper presents a critical analysis of the book by K. Schwab on the Fourth Industrial Revolution with a particular focus on consistency and validity of basic provisions of this work. The content of the book deserves both a positive feedback and some dissatisfaction with its results. It merits praise for its pursuit of an up-to-date and important research task being based on the projects and initiatives of the World Economic Forum. The author’s merit is also recognized in the structure of the work with its three parts consistently reflecting the content of the fourth industrial revolution, the nature of innovative digital technologies, the positive and negative impact of changes taking place in society and the economy, that logically complement each other. However, it is shown that there is no sufficient consistency or depth in some of the provisions presented in the work. This applies to problems of labor market, productivity, and social changes unfolding under conditions of the fourth industrial revolution.References
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