Vol. 48 No. 10 (2018)

Gas or Electric Immobilization? Russia is on the Sidelines of Progress

H. Fashiev
Ufa Branch of the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation; Ufa State AviationTechnical University

Published 2018-10-17


  • Automobile,
  • ecology,
  • gas,
  • motor fuel,
  • gas station,
  • electric vehicle,
  • economic efficiency,
  • price
  • ...More

How to Cite

Fashiev Х. Gas or Electric Immobilization? Russia is on the Sidelines of Progress. ECO [Internet]. 2018 Oct. 17 [cited 2024 Jul. 26];48(10):97-116. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/1680


The problems and trends in the development of rolling stock on the motor transport complex are revealed. The arguments and objections of the transfer of motor vehicles to gas engine fuel and electric traction are given, the strategy of switching to electric vehicles is noted. Data have been obtained showing that electric vehicles are now more economical than cars equipped with internal combustion engines. In the last decade, a rapid electromigration has started in the world, so it would be more correct for Russia to take a course not on transferring transport to gas engine fuel, but for electric traction. Gas would be more effectively used to generate electricity and heat. The progress in the sphere of batteries is to finally and irrevocably send the internal combustion engines to the «dump of history».


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