The Supporting Zones in the Arctic: New Orders of the Day in Decision of Old Problems Ye. Andreeva 47-60 PDF (Русский)
Arctic Norway: Governmental Policies and Regional Development statia Redakcionnaya 77-92 PDF (Русский)
Arctic Floods: Their Impacts on the Wellbeing of Northern Communities in Russia and United States T. Gavrileva, V. Filippova 93-113 PDF (Русский)
Pension Reform in the Context of a Budget Crisis: Risks of Increasing Poverty A. Solovev 139-153 PDF (Русский)
Strategic Planning In the Russian Way: the Triumph of the Centralized Bureaucratic Choice A. Shvetsov 114-127 PDF (Русский)
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Investment Potential of Population and the Possibility of its Using in the Northern Regions of Russia A. Chapargina 154-163 PDF (Русский)