Vol. 55 No. 1 (2025)

Soviet Trade Unions in the 1930s: Shaping the Trade Union Nomenklatura and Alienation of Rank-and-File Members

V. I. Isaev
Institute of History SB RAS

Published 2025-01-30


  • trade unions; the Soviet state; USSR; trade union activists; paid employees of the trade union apparatus; party and state nomenclature

How to Cite

Isaev В. Soviet Trade Unions in the 1930s: Shaping the Trade Union Nomenklatura and Alienation of Rank-and-File Members. ECO [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 31];55(1):205-19. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/4832


The paper proceeds from the retrospective analysis of the situation of trade unions in Soviet society at the beginning of the twentieth century, begun by the author in ECO No. 4 for 2021. The study examines the development of Soviet trade unions in the 1930s. The author traces changes in their number, the coverage of trade union membership of workers at enterprises and institutions of the USSR. It shows development of trade union activists, selection of a layer of paid workers who were part of the party-state nomenclature. The gradual alienation of ordinary members from the trade union elite, most clearly expressed in the crisis phenomena of the mid-thirties, is pointed out. It is concluded that during the period under study there was a process of transformation of trade union organizations into a subordinate part of the party apparatus of the state mechanism of the USSR. Stateization of trade unions led to the loss of their real opportunities to act as an intermediary between the employee and the employer in the person of the state and the loss of the function of protecting the interests of workers.


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