Assessing the Impact of Health Indicators on Employment in Russia (2015–2022)
Published 2024-10-07
- labor market; employment; self-assessment of health; multiple morbidity; Russia
How to Cite
Kaneva М, Moiseenko В. Assessing the Impact of Health Indicators on Employment in Russia (2015–2022). ECO [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 7 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];54(5):120-4. Available from:
The paper sets out to determine the impact of health on the employment of Russians in 2015–2022 based on panel data from the RLMS. The results of model calculations show that poor health in the past period does not affect the current employment of men, while for women it reduces the odds of employment, as well as multiple morbidity. In men, employment is negatively affected by depression and stroke. From the findings, it is clear that societal efforts, both government and individuals, should be directed towards promoting health that enables the population to avoid exiting the labor market. Citizens should strive to increase the return on positive investments (healthy diet, sports, avoidance of bad habits), while the state should undertake information campaigns on health preservation, organization of preventive examinations and health checkups, and creation of conditions for physical education and mass sports.References
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