Cover story: Transport: competition and/or interaction?
Inland Water Transport as a Factor of China’s Economic Development. Will Russia be able to replicate it?
Published 2024-10-07
- inland waterway transport; economic belt; spatial development; transport framework; river transport; cargo transportation; China; Russia
How to Cite
Leonov С, Zaostrovskikh Е. Inland Water Transport as a Factor of China’s Economic Development. Will Russia be able to replicate it?. ECO [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 7 [cited 2025 Jan. 28];54(5):83-103. Available from:
After years of consistent reforms in the triad of “cargo base – fleet – inland waterways”, China has managed to transform the previously unnoticed inland waterway transport sector into a dynamically developing infrastructure network unparalleled in the world. The modernization of the sector has contributed to the development of territories along riverbanks and establishment of economic corridors on the basis of accelerated development of multimodal transportation and a system of dry ports. Unlike China, the development of inland water transport in the pioneer territories of Siberia and the Far East is a necessary but insufficient condition for the formation of major economic corridors. However, utilizing the Chinese experience of fighting interspecies competition in transportation and conducting large-scale dredging can contribute to the transformation of river transport into a real force of territorial development.References
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