Cover story: Get off the Mammoth Trail
How to Make the Business of Mammoth Fauna Extraction Work for the Development of the Region and the Well-Being of its Population
Published 2024-08-12
- mammoth fauna; Arctic; Yakutia; economic security; shadow economy; traditional crafts; indigenous peoples of the North
How to Cite
Sofronova Т, Potravnaya Е, Svintsova Т. How to Make the Business of Mammoth Fauna Extraction Work for the Development of the Region and the Well-Being of its Population. ECO [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 12 [cited 2024 Dec. 30];54(4):74-96. Available from:
The paper considers the issues of state regulation of collection (extraction) of mammoth fauna as a type of traditional nature management in the Arctic, which currently has no legal status. It is shown that the existing gaps in the legislation have led to shadow fishing of valuable raw materials. Mechanisms of economic regulation in this sphere, from licensing of subsoil areas to the organization of a trading platform, as well as specific tools of such regulation, including the introduction of payments (the most preferable of them seems to be excise tax), are proposed. Socio-economic ways of legalization and ecologization of indigenous fisheries with the use of local resources (extraction, sale and processing of mammoth fauna) are aimed at modernization of development institutions of the Arctic territories from the point of view of reflection and protection of the interests of their inhabitants.References
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