Vol. 54 No. 3 (2024)

The Proper Strategy Combined with Government Support is the Key to Small Business Success

А.N. Korotchenko
LLC Innovation Technologies.
М.М. Artemova
LLC Innovation Technologies

Published 2024-06-03


  • development strategy; small business; oil and gas service; state support; regional support

How to Cite

Korotchenko А, Artemova М. The Proper Strategy Combined with Government Support is the Key to Small Business Success. ECO [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 3 [cited 2025 Jan. 2];54(3):234-46. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/4743


The paper reviews growth strategy selection process at the nascent stage of the business based on case history of an existing high-end company within energy sector. The key types strategies proposed for small companies are described. The optimal solution for a particular company was recognized as the option to move away from problem solving, and in the course of its implementation – a combination (arrangement) of techniques of different strategies, allowing to take into account the subjective conditions of business development. The effect of different methods of state support used by LLC “Innovative Technologies” for realization of the project of well killing is also estimated. The paper demonstrates the step-by-step movement of the company from a small enterprise to the business of the federal level.


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