Vol. 54 No. 3 (2024)
Cover story: The US dollar – so Far «Flying»

Problems of Transition to Settlements in National Currencies within BRICS and the Project of a New Unit of Account, the uniclear-BRICS-9

I.V. Pilipenko
Institute for Competitiveness and Integration (RICI); BRICS Expert Council – Russia, National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Published 2024-06-03


  • BRICS; currency; financial infrastructure; volatility; devaluation; payment and settlement system; clearing payment system; uniclear

How to Cite

Pilipenko И. Problems of Transition to Settlements in National Currencies within BRICS and the Project of a New Unit of Account, the uniclear-BRICS-9. ECO [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 3 [cited 2024 Jul. 27];54(3):52-79. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/4735


The year of 2024 marks the presidency of the Russian Federation in BRICS that prioritised the issue of building the financial infrastructure, which is independent from the Western influence. This article considers three major problems on the way to increasing payments in national currencies of the BRICS member states. These are the increased volatility of local currencies’ exchange rates, devaluations and gaps in inflation levels between the BRICS countries and developed states, the problem of fragmentation of national and regional payment and settlement systems as well as insufficient liquidity on the Russian foreign exchange market. The analysis rests upon the author’s calculations of volatility of 17 currency pairs of five BRICS member states and major reserve currencies, and the level of inflation in nine BRICS countries during the period from 2010 to March 2024. The progress in developing payment and settlement systems, fast payment systems and central bank digital currencies is also examined. The author proposes the method of calculating values of a new unit of account called the uniclear-BRICS-9 to be used within the clearing payment system. The article also presents the results of computations of exchange rates of nine BRICS members for the period from 2000 to 2022 that are approximated to purchasing power parity values. In conclusion, recommendations are formulated with the aim of overcoming the problems on the way to settlementsin national currencies, and advantages of the new method of calculating the values of the uniclear-BRICS-9 and exchange rates of local currencies are highlighted.


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