Vol. 54 No. 3 (2024)
Cover story: The US dollar – so Far «Flying»

Dedollarization of International Settlements: Trends and Рrospects

A.V. Kuznetsov
Financial University under the Government of the Russia

Published 2024-06-03


  • international liquidity,
  • reserve assets,
  • international payments,
  • center and periphery,
  • per capita income,
  • purchasing power,
  • transferable ruble,
  • dedollarization,
  • ...More

How to Cite

Kuznetsov А. Dedollarization of International Settlements: Trends and Рrospects. ECO [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 3 [cited 2024 Oct. 1];54(3):8-32. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/4733


The paper discusses the reasons for the dysfunctional nature of the current international monetary standard. The use of the US dollar as a global price benchmark leads to a permanent underestimation of the purchasing power of currencies of countries with developing and emerging market economies, deepens socio-economic polarization between the global core and periphery. It is shown that the contradiction between the unipolarity of world finance and multipolarity of the world economy is the cause of income imbalances. The main costs are borne not only by developing countries that are unable to create international (reserve) liquidity in their own national currencies, but also by developed countries – issuers of other reserve assets. The main initiatives to create alternative international settlement and payment mechanisms have been systematized. An innovative approach to the design of settlement infrastructure within the BRICS+ group of countries in order to organize international cooperation on an equal footing is proposed.


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