Vol. 54 No. 2 (2024)

The International Experience of Stimulating Robotization: Features and Factors of Effectiveness

M.G. Kuzyk
National Research University Higher School of Economics
R.Yu. Neumyvakin
National Research University Higher School of Economics

Published 2024-04-08


  • robots; robotization; Industry 4.0; state policy; government support

How to Cite

Kuzyk М, Neumyvakin Р. The International Experience of Stimulating Robotization: Features and Factors of Effectiveness. ECO [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 8 [cited 2024 Dec. 18];54(2):109-30. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/4724


The paper considers the policies of Russia and a number of industrialized countries in the field of robotization on the horizon of 2015–2020, assesses the effectiveness of their key areas. Significant differences in approaches to state stimulation of robotization are noted: only some countries have an appropriate strategy, different role is given to interaction with business, and support for educational projects is quite rare. And while public funding of R&D is practiced everywhere, support for the implementation of its results is typical for only a part of countries. The results of the analysis show a significant positive impact of government strategy and R&D support on robotization. At the same time, it was not possible to identify the impact of state initiatives on personnel training, which, however, may be due to significant lags in the onset of a noticeable effect of such measures on the scale of the national economy.


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