CO2 Capture, Storage and Utilization Projects: Their Economic Viability
Published 2024-02-06
- carbon dioxide; carbon capture and storage; CCS; cluster; emissions; economic efficiency; enhanced oil recovery; CO2-EOR
How to Cite
Cherepovitsyna А, Cherepovitsyn А, Kuznetsova Е. CO2 Capture, Storage and Utilization Projects: Their Economic Viability. ECO [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 6 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];54(1):117-31. Available from:
One of the promising options of decarbonization for introduction into the technological processes of existing production facilities is carbon capture, storage and utilization technologies. To accelerate the pace of development of such projects abroad, the cluster approach is often used. The paper analyzes the applicability of the cluster approach to carbon capture and storage projects for Russia. The factors determining the peculiarities of management of inter-industry chains of CO2 capture and storage are identified, a potential cluster in the Volga region is modeled, and the economic efficiency of its functioning is assessed. The authors conclude that at the moment cluster initiatives of carbon capture and storage in Russiaare not profitable.References
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