Cover story: RAS – 300 years of Knowledge Extraction for the Benefit of the Fa
Published 2024-02-06
- coal industry,
- metallurgy,
- machine building,
- import substitution,
- turn to the East
- Kuzbass,
- response to sanctions,
- sustainable development,
- productive forces ...More
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Veselova Э. Kuzbass. 75 years later. ECO [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 6 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];54(1):10-29. Available from:
In November 2023, 75 years after the historic conference «Development of the productive forces of Kuzbass» (1948), a forum with the same name was held in the region, bringing together representatives of science, business, public and municipal administration. Both in content and in format, the 2023 conference largely repeated its historical prototype.The authorities and residents of the region hope that their consequences will be comparable in terms of shaping the strategic future of Kuzbass. But today it will be much more difficult to achieve this. First of all, because we have to focus not only on national, but also on world markets, the range of economic agents directly or indirectly involved in the development of the region is much wider today, and the real levers of influence on the situation of the authorities of the region and even the country are much less than three quarters of a century ago. However some ideas can be used in the process of reformatting the socio-economic systems of the old industrial and resource regions of the Russian Federation.References
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