Vol. 53 No. 12 (2023)

The Effect of Shifting Industrial Activities from the Regional Center to the Periphery on Atmospheric Pollution

P.V. Druzhinin
Institute of Economics of the Karelian Research Centre, RAS
M.V. Moroshkina
Institute of Economics of the Karelian Research Centre, RAS
K.E. Sedova
Institute of Economics of the Karelian Research Centre, RAS

Published 2023-11-26


  • air pollution; Kuznets ecological curve; investments; industry; administrative center; periphery; Moscow; St. Petersburg

How to Cite

Druzhinin П, Moroshkina М, Sedova К. The Effect of Shifting Industrial Activities from the Regional Center to the Periphery on Atmospheric Pollution. ECO [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 26 [cited 2025 Feb. 17];53(12):150-69. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/4694


The paper considers the effect of changes in the ratio of industry in the regional center and in the periphery on atmospheric pollution. The dynamics of harmful emissions into the atmosphere for 2000–2021 is analyzed for five regions (Moscow, Leningrad and Arkhangelsk Oblasts, Republics of Karelia and Komi) in the administrative center-periphery section (in the first two cases Moscow and St. Petersburg, which de jure have a special status of subjects of the Federation, were considered). The paper demonstrates the principal factors influencing this dynamics – the removal of industrial enterprises from the center to the periphery, their modernization, and the sectoral structure of industry. Based on the construction of environmental and economic models, the impact of the spatial structure of investments on emissions is shown.


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