Vol. 53 No. 11 (2023)
Cover story: Ecological Problems – Gaps and/or Lapses

How to Overcome the Disparity between Strategic Planning and Environmental Policy of Russia?

Yu.I. Pyzheva
Siberian Federal University

Published 2023-10-27


  • measuring of economic growth; measuring of economic progress; gross domestic product; sustainable development; real savings; depletion of natural capital; public policy

How to Cite

Pyzheva Ю. How to Overcome the Disparity between Strategic Planning and Environmental Policy of Russia?. ECO [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 27 [cited 2024 Oct. 6];53(11):8-24. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/4675


The economic mainstream considers natural resources a limiting factor of economic growth along with labor and capital. At the same time, gross domestic product remains the principal indicator of economic progress, improvement of the population’s welfare and the benchmark of macroeconomic policy, which takes into account neither environmental nor social consequences of economic growth. The paper shows the rupture between the imperatives declared by strategic planning documents and the environmental policy actually implemented in Russia. The necessity of introducing an additional macroeconomic indicator – an integral indicator of sustainable development – into the socio-political agenda and strategies of socio-economic development of the country’s regions is substantiated. Such a maneuver would make it possible to create a system of sustainable development monitoring included in the process of strategic decision-making and contribute to achieving a more harmonious ratio between economic development and environmental degradation.


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