Vol. 53 No. 10 (2023)

A Critical Review of the Urban Environment Quality Index Calculation Methodology

K.V. Rostislav
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Published 2023-09-29


  • urban environment quality index; methodology; indicators; national goals; national project; comfortable urban environment

How to Cite

Rostislav К. A Critical Review of the Urban Environment Quality Index Calculation Methodology. ECO [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 29 [cited 2024 Sep. 13];53(10):174-92. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/4673


The urban environment quality index is the basis for achieving Russia's national goal until 2030 and the utilization of budget funds within the framework of the federal project "Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment". However, the methodology for calculating this index makes it impossible to meaningfully compare cities and their condition in different years, since the points received for different indicators are estimated only by the 1st and 3rd quartile of indicator values in one year and in one group of cities of not always clear composition. As a result, the interpretation of the dynamics of the index becomes more complicated, making possible cases when no one can get the highest score for the best possible indicator value and the lowest score for the worst one. Without eliminating the flaws of the methodology it is impossible to assess the achievement of the target indicators of the national project as well as the cost efficiency of budget funds.


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