Published 2023-05-30
- foreign trade; export; import; commodity turnover; commodity nomenclature; oil and gas sector; railroads; Kazakhstan; Siberia; Russia
How to Cite
Sherin Е. Foreign Trade Cooperation between Kazakhstan and Siberian Regions. ECO [Internet]. 2023 May 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 26];53(6):137-51. Available from:
The paper examines the sectoral and geographical structure of Kazakhstan’s foreign trade cooperation with Russia and Siberian regions. It characterizes the modern model of Kazakhstan’s economy and the role of the oil and gas sector in it. The geographical and commodity structures of Kazakhstan’s exports and imports and Russia’s place in the country’s foreign trade turnover are shown. The significance of foreign trade and industrial cooperation with Kazakhstan for the Siberian regions was determined. The problem places in their foreign trade cooperation are revealed. Taking into account the changed foreign policy situation in 2022, several options to intensify cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia in general and Siberian regions in particular were proposed. An alternative route for the transportation of Siberian bulk cargoes to the East Asian market is proposed. Attention is paid to the issues of creating an international transport corridor, the need to increase the depth of processing of exported raw materials, increasing non-resource cooperation between the two countries, electricity supplies to Kazakhstan, the establishment of mutual settlements in a single conventional unit.References
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