Vol. 53 No. 6 (2023)
Cover story: Digitalization – from Smart to Reasonable

Measuring “Smart City” Performance

A.A. Bozhya-Volya
HSE University’s Perm campus

Published 2023-05-30


  • smart City; urban development; digital technologies; socio-economic effects; outcomes

How to Cite

Bozhya-Volya А. Measuring “Smart City” Performance. ECO [Internet]. 2023 May 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];53(6):50-71. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/4615


The study presents a new approach for Russian practice to a comprehensive assessment of the "final" socio-economic effects of the introduction of "Smart City" technologies: it summarizes urban, social and economic services, for the provision of which "smart" technologies can be used; it defines the types of indicators that are appropriate to assess the effectiveness of such projects; it proposes a methodology for calculating the integral assessment of social and economic effects of the introduction of "Smart City" technologies in a particular locality. To test the proposed methodology, five indicators of socio-economic effects of the introduction of "Smart City" technology in the city of Perm (in the areas of urban mobility and energy efficiency in street lighting and budgetary institutions) were calculated.


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