Cover story: The Footsteps of New Industrialization
Assessing the Balance of Regional Development Against the Sustainable Development Goals
Published 2023-03-30
- sustainable development; sustainable development goals; SDGs; region; biosphere; balance; Ural Federal District; Volga Federal District
How to Cite
Alferova ТВ. Assessing the Balance of Regional Development Against the Sustainable Development Goals. ECO [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];53(4):8-24. Available from:
The study is devoted to testing the methodology for assessing the balance of regional development on the basis of the Sustainable Development Goals. The SDG indices obtained for the regions of the Urals and Volga Federal Districts showed a low level of achievement of target values in almost all regions. In addition, we discovered the predominance of the development of the economic sphere over the social and environmental. This suggests that these regions pay the most attention to economic growth, which does not correspond to the principles of the biosphere-centric paradigm. The low value of the index on SDG 17 indicates insufficient attention to the institutions of governance, which leads to the current situation.References
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