Published 2023-02-02
- challenges; agricultural education; integration; bioengineering
How to Cite
Sazonov А, Golokhvast К. New Challenges for Agrarian Education. ECO [Internet]. 2023 Feb. 2 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];53(2):46-59. Available from:
Scientific-educational structures of the new type require special approaches not only to the educational and research block of tasks. No less important is the process of team building and synchronization of the various areas of activity. The necessity of making a complex interconnected set of decisions to achieve the goals of the federal project makes the universities suggest non-standard approaches, often entering the «green field». The paper presents the vision of the joint team of the university and research institute in solving the problems of interdisciplinary scientific and educational interaction and the experience of the project «Advanced Engineering School «Agrobiotech» implemented jointly by Tomsk State University and Siberian Federal Center of Agrobiotechnology RAS, with the participation of several universities and research centers of the Russian Federation in 2022.References
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