Venture Capital Financing of Import Substitution Projects in Russia: Problems and Prospects
Published 2022-12-29
- Venture financing; import substitution; innovation project; uncertainty; fuzzy-multiple analysis; financial performance indicators; reliability; sustainability
How to Cite
Baranov А, Muzyko Е, Pavlov В. Venture Capital Financing of Import Substitution Projects in Russia: Problems and Prospects. ECO [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];53(1):118-32. Available from:
Investment in innovation is one of the key issues in ensuring technological independence and import substitution. The paper identifies the problems hindering the development of the Russian venture capital market and ways to solve them. In particular, the authors conclude that it is necessary to improve the existing methodological framework for analyzing the financial efficiency of innovative projects in the field of import substitution through the use of a combination of optional and fuzzy set approaches. The paper describes the results of using the proposed method of assessment on the example of an innovative import substitution project in the Russian perfume and cosmetics industry. The high level of reliability and stability of the predicted estimates of performance indicators makes the methodology useful for both company management and for external investors involved in the financing of the promising project.References
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