Cover story: The Soviet Union – Intentions and Results
The Criminal Code as a Tool for Regulating the Economic Activities of the Peasants of Siberia (1920s – 1930s)
Published 2022-12-29
- Soviet state; peasantry; criminal code; economic crimes
How to Cite
Isaev В. The Criminal Code as a Tool for Regulating the Economic Activities of the Peasants of Siberia (1920s – 1930s). ECO [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 29 [cited 2024 Dec. 18];53(1):61-77. Available from:
The paper explores the problem of the use of criminal law by the Soviet state to control the economic behavior of the peasants based on the materials from Siberia. Specific examples of the application of individual articles of the criminal code against the peasants to solve political and economic problems are shown. It is concluded that in the political-economic system created by the Bolshevik party the use of the criminal code was largely determined not by legal but by political and ideological criteria.References
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