Vol. 52 No. 11 (2022)
People - Preserve and Grow

Human capital of the Republic of Tuva: Future Specialists of Higher and Secondary Qualifications

T.M. Oidup
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Tuva Institute of Integrated Natural Resources Development, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Kyzyl

Published 2022-11-07


  • Human capital; higher education; secondary vocational education; school graduates; Tyva Republic

How to Cite

Oidup Т. Human capital of the Republic of Tuva: Future Specialists of Higher and Secondary Qualifications. ECO [Internet]. 2022 Nov. 7 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];52(11):23-39. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/4528


The paper discusses the formation of human capital of the Tyva Republic in terms of its qualitative renewal with new specialists. The recruitment mostly depends on its own resources, on school graduates and their choice: higher or secondary vocational education, place of further residence and employment. Based on statistical data and forecast calculations, it has been established that the trend of increasing popularity of secondary vocational education in the country is also present in Tyva. The analysis of the data of sociological surveys conducted in 2010 and 2021 using the same methodology has shown changes in the professional values of graduates and their motives for choosing future professions. The negative trend is an increase in migration attitudes among all graduates, regardless of the type of education and profession they would like to pursue. The share of graduates planning to stay and work in the republic has halved. Thus, in 5–7 years, if today’s graduates are able to realize their intentions to leave for other regions of the country, the human capital of the republic will miss more than half of the possible new qualified specialists, both with higher and secondary education.


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