People - Preserve and Grow
Published 2022-11-07
- human capital; moral deterioration; physical deterioration; degradation of human capital; demography; aging population
How to Cite
Slepenkova Ю. The Degradation of Human Capital in Russia. ECO [Internet]. 2022 Nov. 7 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];52(11):8-22. Available from:
The study models the dynamics of Russia’s accumulated human capital. According to the calculations, the new human capital being formed still compensates for the current losses, but a shortage of new human capital put in place is expected in the near future. This is caused both by the low cost of human capital and by demographic problems in Russia, including a decline in the birth rate and an increase in the share of the disabled population. The current migration policy does not help to solve the problem either: the share of immigrants with higher or secondary vocational education is low, while among emigrants to economically developed countries the same indicator was quite high.References
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