A Glorious Sea of Problems
Irkutskaya Hydroelectric Power Plant and the Angaro-Yenisei Cascade of Hydroelectric Power Plants in the Siberian Power Industry. Ways to Increase Efficiency
Published 2022-07-26
- hydropower plants; Siberian power system; Baikal water management complex; water use priorities; Baikal level regulation; management efficiency
How to Cite
Kolmogorov В, Khalyapin Л. Irkutskaya Hydroelectric Power Plant and the Angaro-Yenisei Cascade of Hydroelectric Power Plants in the Siberian Power Industry. Ways to Increase Efficiency. ECO [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 26 [cited 2025 Mar. 2];52(8):44-53. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/4487
The paper considers the role of the Angaro-Yenisei HPP cascade in the power supply of Siberia, the place of the Irkutsk HPP and the Baikal water complex in this system. During the existence of the latter, the priorities of water use and approaches to assessing the effectiveness of management of its regimes have changed. According to the authors, the discussion of problems of optimal use of water resources of Lake Baikal has exhausted its possibilities. Authorities of the Russian Federation initiated a comprehensive study to determine scientifically based requirements for the management of water resources of Lake Baikal, taking into account the conditions of functioning of the Baikal ecosystem, the downstream facilities of the Irkutsk hydroscheme and the main water users, including the power industry.References
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