Vol. 52 No. 7 (2022)

Economic Growth or Harmonious Socio-Economic Development? Part II. Assessment of the Indexes of Harmonious Development of the World’s Leading Economies

V.V. Shmat
Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, SB RAS, Novosibirsk

Published 2022-07-05


  • territory; OECD countries; BRICS countries; economic growth; socio-economic development; economic welfare; sustainability; inclusiveness; innovation; harmonious development; harmonious development index; factor analysis

How to Cite

Shmat В. Economic Growth or Harmonious Socio-Economic Development? Part II. Assessment of the Indexes of Harmonious Development of the World’s Leading Economies. ECO [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 5 [cited 2024 Jul. 27];52(7):126-45. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/4474


The paper proposes a practical approach to assessing the results of socio-economic leading countries of the world, based on the joint accounting of sustainability, inclusiveness and innovativeness factors in combination with the factor of economic welfare. The methodological argumentation of the developed approach was published in the first part of the paper; here we substantiate the composition of statistical indicators that are appropriate to use for constructing the index of harmonious development. The criteria for their selection were the requirements of representativeness (the ability to characterize the impact of one or another factor on economic welfare, sustainability, inclusiveness and innovativeness), accessibility, sufficiency. The expediency of using the apparatus of factor analysis according to the method of principal components to calculate the generalizing index of harmonious development was substantiated. Based on the proposed methodology, the index for the world’s leading economies has been calculated for a number of reference years for the period from 2000 to 2018, and the corresponding rankings have been compiled. Based on the results obtained, the main characteristics of the countries that most determine the opportunities for harmonious development have been identified.


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