Cover story: Green “Agenda” and Forest
Published 2022-07-05
- world energy; renewable energy sources; hydrocarbon resources; low-carbon energy; hydrogen energy; global energy transition
How to Cite
Arutyunov В. On Forecasts of the Global Energy Transition. ECO [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 2];52(7):51-66. Available from:
Assessment of the real potential of renewable energy sources shows the groundlessness of forecasts of their future dominance in the global energy sector and hopes for the possibility of changing by this means the observed climatic processes. Forecasts of the expected global energy transition, at least until mankind mastered the energy of thermonuclear fusion, are groundless. Until then, the main source of energy for the world economy, as during the previous two centuries, can only be the still abundant resources of hydrocarbons available in the earth’s crust. In developing and implementing its energy programs Russia should be guided exclusively by the domestic realities and interests, without regard to the trends and decisions dominating in the West.References
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