Vol. 52 No. 6 (2022)

Development of Copper Industry in Russia and Mongolia: The Problem of Access to Foreign Markets

L.A. Bezrukov
V. B. Sochavа Institute of Geography SB RAS, Irkutsk
A.N. Fartyshev
V. B. Sochavа Institute of Geography SB RAS, Irkutsk

Published 2022-05-27


  • Mongolia; Russia; China; copper; export; import; foreign markets; transport costs; competitiveness; transport and geographic location

How to Cite

Bezrukov Л, Fartyshev А. Development of Copper Industry in Russia and Mongolia: The Problem of Access to Foreign Markets. ECO [Internet]. 2022 May 27 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];52(6):115-33. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/4451


The paper considered the problem of competitiveness of Mongolian and Russian (East Siberian) mineral commodities on foreign markets is considered through the example of copper industry. The analysis of world copper market conditions and the place of China, Russia and Mongolia on it is given. Comparative characteristics of large copper deposits developed and being prepared for development in Mongolia (Erdenetin Ovoo and Oyuu Tolgoi) and Eastern Siberia of Russia (Bystrinskoye, Udokanskoye, Ak-Sugskoye, Kingashskoye) are presented. The assumption that the rivalry between Mongolian and Russian copper exporters for foreign markets, primarily Chinese, may intensify has been substantiated. An assessment of the transport and geographic location of the deposits relative to the nearest Chinese industrial centers and sea export ports was made, which showed the advantages of Mongolia’s deposits compared to those in eastern Siberia. The SWOT analysis confirmed that deeper processing of raw materials provides more favorable conditions for the East Siberian copper products to enter foreign markets, including easing the risks of competition with Mongolia.


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