Published 2022-04-30
- Russian economy; forecasting; investment complex; economic growth
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Ageeva Е, Baranov А. Forecast of the Development of the Investment Complex of Russia in 2022–2023. ECO [Internet]. 2022 Apr. 30 [cited 2024 Nov. 23];52(5):111-30. Available from:
The paper presents the results of short-term forecasting of the dynamics of GDP, investment in fixed capital and some of the most important indicators of Russia’s investment complex under conditions of high uncertainty in 2022–2023. Econometric models with a quarterly step are used in the construction of the forecast. To substantiate the dynamics of the explanatory variables, a retrospective analysis of the variation of oil prices and changes in the monetary policy of the Bank of Russia in 2020 was carried out. Taking into account the geopolitical situation in 2022, two options are considered: conservative and moderately conservative. The parameters of the oil market, the money market and some other variables used are estimated.References
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