Published 2022-04-08
- ecosystem; retail; indicators; retail trade; services; trade; retailer ecosystem; omnichannel; digitalization
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Georgievsky А. Russian Retail Ecosystems: Principal Participants and Indicators of Development. ECO [Internet]. 2022 Apr. 8 [cited 2024 Dec. 18];52(4):138-55. Available from:
The paper identifies the indicators of ecosystem established by Russian retailers based on the implicit content analysis of business news publications, companies’ official websites and their annual reports. In total, the author identifies 10 indicators, six of which are universal for all retailers building ecosystems: availability of complementary services, creating partnerships with other companies, developing new formats, developing a unified customer profile, building omnichannel, statements in the media by company management, and four are specific to only some companies: rebranding, providing financial services, creating a superapp and having subscriptions. The findings will be useful to retail executives considering starting their own ecosystem and to researchers of ecosystem development.References
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