The Conceptual Framework of Sustainable Development for a ‘Smart’ City: Ecological Aspect
Published 2021-05-31
- smart city,
- information and communication technologies,
- digitalization,
- city development strategy,
- innovative development
- sustainable development,
- environmental strategy,
- ecology ...More
How to Cite
Burmatova О. The Conceptual Framework of Sustainable Development for a ‘Smart’ City: Ecological Aspect. ECO [Internet]. 2021 May 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 17];51(6):139-60. Available from: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/4267
The paper identifies conceptual foundations of sustainable development strategy for a smart city. It is shown that a smart city concept is based on an integrated approach towards resolving problems of innovative support and rational spatial development of cities. A possible smart city structure includes such interacting components of the urban economy as infrastructure, economic, social, information, and management elements. Particular emphasis is placed on ensuring the environmental safety in a smart city. The novelty of the research lies in the attempt to link the ideology of strategic approach to planning and management of territorial entities at the city level with a smart city concept. The author puts forward conceptual provisions for the ecological strategy of the city, showing the main directions of environmental protection, taking into account the modern technological trends and their significance for the city life. The results of the study make it possible to formulate proposals on topical directions for introducing the principles of a smart city, based on a rational approach towards building the urban living space.References
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