Adaptation of Large Enterprises of Novosibirsk Region’s Agro-industrial Complex to the Market Economy and its Economic Results in the 1990s.
Published 2021-05-05
- agro-industrial complex,
- market reforms,
- adaptation,
- agricultural enterprises,
- agricultural production
- Novosibirsk region ...More
How to Cite
Andreenkov С. Adaptation of Large Enterprises of Novosibirsk Region’s Agro-industrial Complex to the Market Economy and its Economic Results in the 1990s. ECO [Internet]. 2021 May 5 [cited 2024 Nov. 16];51(5):175-92. Available from:
The author analyzes features of inclusion of large enterprises of the agro-industrial complex into the market economy, the role of power structures in this process, and also economic results of agricultural producers. The problem is revealed through the case of the Novosibirsk region mainly on the basis of narrative sources drawn from the regional newspaper «Sovetskaya Sibir». The author also uses normative and statistical materials. It is concluded that the policy of forced formation of new types of commercial farms based on collective and state farms and competitive market relations between them did not achieve predicted results and contributed to the crisis in agricultural production. Operating in unfavorable economic conditions, enterprises resorted to barter deals, created their own processing industries, passed into administrative subordination to large industrial organizations. Activities of processing enterprises were complicated by the reduced purchasing capacity of the population, a lower volume of supplies of high-quality agricultural raw materials to the market, and competition with food producers from other regions.References
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